The power of time alone - 7 reasons why alone time is essential for students

When I was a teen, I could think of anything worse than time spent alone. My mum used to joke that our house was like a hostel with a constant influx of young people coming through the door. As soon as one person left, another arrived. She used to ask me, what are you running away from? Why can’t you be alone? Even to this day, I feel most happy when someone else is around, even if they are just there in the background.

Fortunately, with time I’ve gotten much better at being by myself. I’d even venture to say that I relish me-time. Carving out time in my schedule to go for a run or do an activity alone has become a special treat and an opportunity to recharge.

Here is my list of 7 reasons why I recommend time alone to everyone.

Power up your creativity

Create without the judgement of others, try new things out, and see what you can write, paint, and imagine. 

Become more compassionate

Spending time alone helps us understand those who don’t “fit” into social groups. It helps us understand the human experience. 

Get productive

Research has shown that we are a lot less productive when surrounded by other students or coworkers. We work best when we have the time and space to think without social distractions. 

Become more independent/mentally strong

By nature, humans are social animals. Some of us are more extroverted, and some are more introverted, but either way, we will need to spend time alone at some point. Research shows that those comfortable and at ease alone tend to be happier.

Get to know number one - reflect and plan

In social situations, it can be hard to think about the right move for ourselves. Actively creating time for ourselves helps us reflect on what we have done, how we feel and where we’d like to go. It helps us find direction. 

Bring the focus back to yourself

For those who are people pleasers or those who get swept up in the lives of others, alone time can 

It makes us more social

Having time away to recharge helps us gather the energy to get back in the world again and have meaningful interactions. We often need to regulate our emotions to prepare ourselves for negative experiences and prevent burnout.