Zachary N.


Guildhall School of Music and Drama
BA Acting

University of California, Berkeley
Literature and Sociology


Love Learning Tutors: French

Specialized Private Tutor New York City
I elevated professionals’ interpersonal skills for work meetings, including at various nonprofits and the UN.

High School Tutor, Albany Tutors Albany, California
All my 30+ students improved their English, French, and History grades from B and C averages to an A.

French Instructor, British Language Academy Casablanca, Morocco (2016)
I designed and taught lessons, engaging classrooms mostly made up of mothers with their children.


Native English
Native French
Advanced Spanish



Au Pair, French Nanny London (April-October 2023)
I cared for an 8-year-old and motivated him to perfect his homework, French fluency, and football and basketball technique.

Chess Teacher, Storytime Chess New York City (2022-2023)
Turning chess pieces into adventurous fairytale characters, I taught children across the city how to play the game.

High School Director, Much Ado About Nothing Washington, DC (2022)
I translated my love of Shakespeare to young teens and instilled them with passion for challenging, versed language.


Imagination defines my teaching. Getting students to absorb and retain information requires deep engagement, and this kind of engagement stems from creative instruction, my specialty. Having taught kids ages 3-18, as well as lawyers, writers, and United Nations employees in the UK and America, I reshape my approach for every new learner. I have developed French lesson plans for Darija-speaking communities in Casablanca and nurtured young actors with autism, dyspraxia, and ADD. An actor myself, having been in films and a BBC television series, I work professionally with presence. I am also a singer-songwriter in an indie-rock band and enjoy old records, art museums, swimming in lakes, delicious food with good company, and poetry. My mission with children is not only to dynamize them to excel academically, but also to become thoughtful, kind, and committed citizens of the world. I invite curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, developing my students’ ease with speaking, reading, and writing across the language and humanities disciplines. I am an adventurous and giving mentor hoping to work with you!

Jaya ArdienteFrench