What to do when you compare yourself to others?

Other people’s beauty does not make you ugly. Don’t let another’s happiness make you sad. Be inspired to find your own path, your own strength, ideas, style, ambitions, insights, errors, education and grace. Offer yourself all you have. Accept yourself gratefully. - Rikki Beadle Blair

My friends have better grades than me

When we are at school it is easy to compare our grades with those of our friends. But you can compare all you want but it won’t change the ultimate truth: We are all on our own path. The likelihood of you and your friend following the exact same career trajectory is slim to none. Whatever successes you have, whatever setbacks you have, they are all part of your journey. These experiences make you resilient and will build you into the wonderful person you are. If you ever feel that you have somehow failed, remember, that there is no success without failure. Let yourself feel bad for a few hours then pick yourself up. Keep trying your best!

Turn comparison into inspo

Being jealous can be a good thing. 

Here is why. It can confirm what we want. 

When you see your friend’s holiday pics and you get slight pangs of jealousy, maybe you’re realising that travel is something that is important to you. This realisation is useful as you can start creating actions towards that; learning a language, saving up etc. 

Remember, you only see the result

When people post their achievements on social media or tell their friends about their successes we often only see the sparkling results. We rarely hear (or see) the blood, sweat and tears that went into the process. The perseverance and time put into the preparation. Remember, nothing comes easily. Having this in mind is helpful as it reminds us that everyone has to start at zero, sometimes starting at zero can be the hardest. But if we don’t start, we surely won’t get there. You got to be in it to win it.

Find your niche

Maybe you’re not the strongest football player, but you can sing like Adele and are a whizz with mental maths. No one can do the exact combination of what you can do. You are unique. This, therefore, means you are beyond comparison. Often, if we choose one discipline to compete with it can get tough, for example being the best comedian. But if let's say, you were a comedian who was passionate about science, use that to your advantage. That is your niche. Instead of wasting your time comparing things that are simply incomparable, hone your skills and find your niche. What makes you wonderful you!