Book Recommendations for Key Stage 1

Ranging the ages of 4-7; Key Stage 1 in school terms refers to when most children learn to read. This is such a crucial time to establish a love of books for your child, and encourage them to ask questions, be curious and eager to learn. 

It’s also perfectly fine if some children aren’t ready to read yet at this stage, but it is important to surround your young one with books, read to them and establish reading as an important activity, and moreover a fun one! This will help build literacy foundations, cultivate listening skills, language skills, and reduce screen time. Books that put a spin on important values and lessons, with an imaginative twist, friendly-looking characters, and bright, bold, captivating illustrations are the kinds of books that can encourage your kid to turn more pages. 

Here’s the Love Learning Tutors approved list of book recommendations for Key Stage 1:

(Available at Waterstones UK)

1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Eric Carle


For kids that love striking visuals | Age: 4-6

A captivating and beautifully illustrated story of a caterpillar eating his way through the book. It’s vivid and colourful collage illustrations and it’s honest storyline have helped it become the most-read children’s book in Britain.

2. That Rabbit Belongs To Emily Brown- Cressida Cowell and Neal Layton


For kids that love mystery | Age: 5-7

A timeless picture book that children will want to revisit, this is a classic story of right and wrong, with underlying teachable concepts of property and justice.

3. The Tiger Who Came To Tea- Judith Kerr


For kids that love fantasy | Age: 5-7

This inimitable picture book is perfect for reading aloud, or for small children to read to themselves over and over. Children love the idea of a tiger knocking at the door and eating all of the food in the house!

(PS: Our favourite part- Encourage your child to imitate the tiger and finish their meals!)

4. King of the Classroom- Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley-Newton


For kids that love a challenge | Age: 4-5

Starting kindergarten is a big milestone - and the hero of this story is ready to make his mark! The day will be jam-packed, but he's up to the challenge, taking new experiences in stride with his infectious enthusiasm! And afterward, he can't wait to tell his proud parents all about his achievements - and then wake up to start another day. This is an inspiring picture book that follows a boy going to school for the first time may resonate with your child, allow them to express their own feelings as well as build their confidence. 

5. The Paper Bag Princess- Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko


For kids that love adventure | Age: 5-7

This is such an incredible, uplifting, and inspiring tale for children. An important story of girl power, Princess Elizabeth rescues her Prince from the Jaws of a Dragon, after it smashes her castle, burns all her clothes, and captures her Prince. Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands, with nothing but a paper bag to wear and her wits. She challenges the dragon and displays her strength- only for the Prince to comment on her appearance. She realises she deserves better, calls the wedding off, and lives happily ever after! This is such an incredible, and a refreshing change from the damsel in distress fairy tales children grow up reading. It speaks volumes about the fierceness and power of women, and their ability to take matters into their own hands. A must-read for your children.

Happy Reading!

Additional resources for Key Stage 1

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