6 Study Tips For Exam Success

pass your exams

School life is great. You make tons of new friends, join your favourite club or team, go on school trips, and prepare for prom. But then there are exams and everyone, including you, has to sit them.  

IB, A-level and GCSE exams can be quite stressful. The results play a prominent role in your future. If you are preparing for any of these exams, the guide below is a blueprint for exam preparation and revision.


Create a timetable

The successful person you admire did not come into success by chance. They sat down and planned long before they saw any signs of progress. This rule applies to exams too. 
Create a timetable that balances your time equally on all subjects. For example, if you are revising for three exams, start with your weaker topic and study it for two hours. This gives you ample time to break it down into bitesize chunks, and will alleviate the stress you feel around the topic. For the other two subjects, take one hour to revise each subject. Just because they come easier to you, don’t dismiss them.

With a timetable, you ensure that each subject gets the attention it deserves.

Use mind maps

If you are having difficulty recalling what you studied from your notes, use mind maps to improve your memory. Mind mapping allows you to connect ideas so that you can memorize information easier and faster. The more connected the memory, the easier it will be to recall.

Take short breaks

Ever heard of the Pomodoro method? This method of working or studying involves studying for a span of time, say thirty minutes, then taking a short 5 minute break. 
This method has proved to be quite popular among students because the mind remains alert for the entire study duration. No one wants to stare continuously at a book for four hours. It's not productive.

Recognize your learning style

There is no ultimate study method that every learner can use to succeed. We are all different. You need a different strategy from that of your friend to pass your exams. 
There are auditory, reading/writing, and visual learners. Determine what type you are and use this to your advantage. Also, note that some people tend to study better in the morning and others are more productive in the evening. Determine which group you fit in and set your timetable according to what you discover about yourself. 

Collaborate with others and seek help

To excel at your exam, it is of great help to work with a strong team. Be proactive and join a study group. Practice explaining concepts to each other. If you can teach it, it’s committed to your memory.
If there is a part of the revision material you do not understand, you can consult members of your study group, your teacher, online sources or YouTube. We also make tutorial videos, so let us know if there is something you’d like us at Love Learning Tutors to explain.  


Study ahead

You might have come across a meme of a guy trying to study for an exam with a ton of books open in front of him. The guy is trying to study for exams that are to start the next day. 
You do not want to be that guy. Studying ahead keeps you prepared. Start studying now and avoid the panic. 

Exams are part and parcel of your school life. They are important. By following the study tips above, you'll be well prepared for your exams when they come round.

 Need more revision help? Try reading our blog post on our Top 10 memory tricks for revision and 5 science backed tips for study motivation.

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